Fake it till you Make It: A Passion Project
Last Term, for an assignment my teacher Richard Beland gave us a new assignment called the Photography Passion Project, and it was definitely my favourite assignment of the year. He wanted us to create our own photography project and, in his words, “with Passion and Purpose shoot from the heart.”
At first, I didn’t really like the idea of this assignment because we were supposed to present this in front of the class, and well speaking from the heart in front of people was never really my thing. As I began thinking about what to do the assignment on I realized that my dilemma of not wanting to share from the heart was my answer. That’s when I came up with the idea for my passion project called Fake it ‘till you make it.
I have always been used to not sharing how I felt and locking feelings away because that’s what I thought I was supposed to do. This image is the first photograph of the series. My idea behind this photograph was about how I keep feelings locked inside, and just put on a lie on the outside. I have now realized that the more you lock away the more you fill up and get closer to popping. Just like a balloon.
While working on this assignment I realized how much photography really means to me. For me, it’s not just a way to make money, something that’s fun, or even not just what I’m passionate about. To me, it’s a way to let some air out of my balloon. It’s a way for me to express how I’m feeling since I never know how to or it doesn’t feel right to put it into words.
Through this assignment, I learned how to put my heart and emotions into my photography, and how it can be an outlet for me. Below is the rest of the photographs in my series. You can go check out more of my photography at www.abrowningphotography.com and on my Instagram @abrowning_photography.
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