A lot of people don’t think to look around to see what’s on the ground, in the sky, and on leaves. Some people don’t think about looking at all at the wildlife in their natural environment, from the largest whale to the smallest ant. You can always take an award-winning picture, of something you didn’t expect. If you want to be a Wildlife Photographer, you always have to be on the lookout. You can’t just look at the ground, you have to look up above you as well. I was walking through marshland, and I didn’t see a bird right beside me until it flew away. Just like driving you always have to be aware of your surroundings, or else you’ll miss out on something amazing.
When out and taking pictures of wildlife, you have to know where to look and what to look for. Say you're looking for a certain flower you have to know when it blooms, what climate does it grow in, and if it is poisonous or not. Sometimes it’s best to ask locals to see if they know about the plants you are looking for. It’s also a good idea to have a local take you on a guided tour to places where most people don’t go. For example in this picture I was on a cruise with my family, I bought a shore excursion to tour an old fortress, a museum, and have lunch at a botanical garden which is where I took this picture. I was just wandering around the garden taking pictures of all the flowers when I saw this flower up in a tree. I asked one of the tour guides what was the flower called. At first, I thought it was a coconut but it was called a Canon Ball flower. It is always a good thing to find out what plant or animal you are taking photos of, It shows you care for what you do and knowledgeable on the subject.
On the other hand, when you’re out taking photos of wild or domestic animals you have to be careful. When on the lookout for wild animals you have to be very quiet. When I was traveling around Florida, I was walking along a lake when I almost stepped on an alligator. I thought that It was dead for a second until It ran up to walkway out of the area.

While being a wildlife photographer can be hard, it can be very fun and rewarding. You get to see all kinds of amazing animals.
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